2.50 $
Normal onion
3.50 $
Onion with shrimp
4.50 $
Onion with shells
6.00 $
Onion with shrimp and shell
10.00 $
Sailor onion
2.00 $
White ceviche
3.00 $
Onion with white ceviche
3.00 $
White ceviche with shrimp
3.00 $
White ceviche with shells
Ceviches a la carte
4.00 $
Peruvian ceviche
5.50 $
Shrimp ceviche
6.00 $
Shell ceviche
10.00 $
Sailor ceviche
5.00 $
Peruvian with shrimp
6.00 $
Peruvian with shells
5.00 $
Peruvian with onion
10.00 $
Ceviche The Pirate
10.00 $
Seafood rice
9.00 $
Rice with shrimp
9.00 $
Rice with shells
9.00 $
Mixed rice Shrimp and shells
10.00 $
Breaded shrimp
10.00 $
10.00 $
Mixed pork rinds
7.00 $
Fish cracklings
8.00 $
Shrimp crackling
6.00 $
Shrimp sango
5.00 $
Fish sanggo
8.00 $
Mixed sango
4.00 $
Crab broth
2.50 $
2.50 $
Dried meat
2.50 $
Dry chicken
2.50 $
Dried pork
3.50 $
2.00 $
Portion of patacones
1.00 $
Rice portion
0.50 $
Portion of toast
0.50 $
Chifle Case
0.50 $
Portion of sweet potato
0.75 $
Creole salad
Net prices - Taxes and service included